Did you know that America SCORES was birthed from the Legacy efforts of the 1994 World Cup?

America SCORES is the most successful grassroots legacy projects of the 1994 World Cup. America SCORES emerged through the Legacy efforts of the 1994 FIFA World Cup. It grew from a single program serving girls in Washington, D.C. to an international network of programs across the United States and Canada serving 20,000 underserved boys and girls annually and 250,000 youth since its inception.
America SCORES is now poised to dramatically grow that impact by leveraging the history, infrastructure, and collective experience of the network to bring our internationally recognized programs to dramatically more youth across the continent while also deepening the impact of our existing programs. As the World Cup returns to North America, there couldn’t be a better time to unlock the opportunities for all youth to pursue their dreams. If you are interested in helping us advance this mission, please contact us.